May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert, Margaret

I love you all so much and I’ve been a proud lovelet for months now. Basking in the beauty of all of your words and letters and sobbing and opening and asking right alongside you.


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Rachel, thank you for your wide open heart, your creativity, and most of all YOUR LOVE

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I wanted to be brave and share my letter from love. Dear love what shall you have me know today? What I want you to embody and know is ok to be you each and every day and it’s OK to be you just as you. Allow yourself to enjoy life, all aspects of life and as you appreciate all aspects of life being as you, your appreciation for yourself grows and it’s easier to embody more and more of who you are! You see you are infinite, and ever expanding and when someone limits themselves or does not appreciate themselves, then they cease to appreciate and report to feeling stuck. So my love, all my love, appreciate life, appreciate yourself and your own life, and you will continue to appreciate, meaning grow in value, and the only true currency is the only currency you can take with you on all the days of your life and the time that follows. You as you and love being you. Love love

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Liz, is there a way to email you or contact your team? It is an important question. I’ve looked around all over and cannot find contact info for the substack/team etc. if anyone else sees this I’d be very grateful if you could help me with this info if you know it. Thank you. ~joanie ☮️

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You. You are a gift in this day, which until moments ago was crushing me with....bad thoughts. And now -- the words "Bad thoughts" just feels like an anthem of strength. You've turned the words inside out. You have. Thank you.

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Rachel, thank you for sharing your letter, your music and your heart with us.

P.S. The spontaneous song is. beautiful and I can't stop listening to it.

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May 24Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

My daughters and I have been listening to your songs for a long time. Today, I got to know you as a person through your heartwarming letter. I loved every word of it! Thank you so much for giving us a window into your life.

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I don't know whether it is because I identify so strongly with the experience of postpartum anxiety or that in our current world where women are so disregarded I find myself hanging on your glorious refrain, "Imma be alright". What a gift to all of us -- your words, your voice, your honesty, your vulnerability. This will be on my mind and fueling me as I write my book to support my colleagues in medicine who suffer the weights of the world and find support lacking far too often. Thank you, thank you xoxoxo

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Beautiful Rachel, thank you for sharing your beautiful music and sharing your soul, your heart, your love. I did not birth children, but, whew, your words... every word sunk into my heart. Thank you🙏💗

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The song is so beautiful, thank you 💜

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So incredibly moving, Rachel. Your song just for the Lovelets, your new song, "Bad Thoughts," and most deeply touching my heart, your own Letter from Love. I've been a huge fan since "Fight Song," thank you for being you, for your brilliance, vulnerability and generosity. This letter felt like it was mothering me, too, having recently lost my own mother to her struggle with dementia. Thank you, thank you.

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Rachel!! With all my heart ♥️ thank you for your beautiful Lovelet song (and ALL your songs). And your letter… every time you teared up at Love’s words to you… you can bet I was tearing up right along with you 🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you so much for this beautiful letter, and for this song ♥️ what a wonderful, brave offering xxx

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Thank you Rachel. I love your thought that you’re mother to yourself as child. This resonates with me. ❤️

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I listened to the song first and it brought me to tears. From now on, whenever I will have a hard time hearing love's voice, I know what to listen to. Thank you for this gift.

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What a beautiful song Rachel - thank you for being you! xo

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Rachel, thank you so much for your vulnerability and for that beautiful lullaby (if I may call it that.) It brings such a sense of calm over me when I hear it. <3

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

I am bawling at my desk. Holy stunning, Bad Thoughts .. her letter.. the little clip of song.. What a beautiful way to celebrate 100k of us! I am so proud and happy to be part of this LOVE filled community. When my heart aches, this is where I turn and I am filled up all over again. I love you Liz and all you gorgeous Lovelets!!

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And we love YOU, heart of my heart!

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Love you always and always :)

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Same same! Wasn't it incredible? Just catching up with the Letters having been preoccupied with my mom's Celebration of Life and healing time away with a friend. I've been having love write me all this time but I've missed Liz, this community and all the guest posts.

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So sorry to hear about your mom, Amy. Sending you lots of love.

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert, Margaret

This touches me so deeply, not because I can relate to postpartum depression, but because I am just now, at 70 years old, learning to love my inner children too. So much gratitude!

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Hi lovable and loved Shelley. Really relatable. Recently my 60th birrhday was near and as a birthday prezzie to myself I treated myself to a weekend workshop of Lizzy's and soon after a presentation of hers hoping she would give me some sort of epiphany with which I could enter my 60's on a positive note and her guiding me to engage with and nurture my inner-child and to write myself letters from Love has worked wonders. So now you and I can sincerely say we are older AND wiser, wuhoo! X

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I sobbed my way through the song ... this space continues to help me save my own life 🙏

In deepest appreciation ~~~

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Thank you Deborah ❤️

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brave, beautiful. breathing life into all mothers in all the realms... thank you both, Rachel and Lizzy.

thank you always

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We love you, Elena!!

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Elena - you’ve kept me company for years with your classes and meditations and wisdom! ❤️

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oh. my. gosh. what sweet blessing has just landed on my heart!

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Maybe don't listen to these songs and this letter while driving! 😭 I should have known better. Rachel, that letter! It was tender and wise and I felt so mothered by it. Even your voice became so soft and tender....I am completely undone. Thank you for allowing love to speak through you to all of us.

All 100,001 of us! LOVELETS LETS MAKE 10 CITIES! Can you imagine what would happen? If you knew everyone around you listened to the wisdom of love like this? It makes me feel something like hope. And so much wonder. ❤️✨️❤️✨️

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I'm with you all the way, Kendall!! Let's make cities of LOVE!! :) Also, I became a blubbering mess at work!

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Cities of Love!!! What sweet dream this is!!!

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

100k? Jimminy CRICKET!! That’s ALOT! This is changing the world my dear friends. THIS.

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How incredibly special!!!! All the most beautiful hearts live here. 💓

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

How lucky are we to be a part of this big beautiful space? :)

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

This so much! All the solutions are already there, and we just have opportunities to learn to trust. Reading this gave me so much peace of mind in my own journey. Thank you Rachel for sharing your heart, your love.

“There’s never been a problem I haven’t already provided the solution for, my love. Because these aren’t problems. They’re opportunities for you to trust me and lean on me. They’re opportunities for my grace, for your faith, for your patience — all of which just allow you to enjoy the playground that I’ve made for you more and more. So go forth, my love. Enjoy, have fun.”

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May 24Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

I was part of the group of newly formed, yet to be named Lovelets, from the very beginning. I joined as an open leap of faith into the embrace of Love. At that time my husband had just suffered two unexpected, out of the blue, shit happens strokes that required life saving surgery. I knew, even in the midst of my shock and fear, that I needed help, more than I ever had before and my hope, my unformed prayer was that Letters from Love would show me the way through ... and Love did just that! I say this without hyperbole, this practice has transformed me in ways that I am still discovering.

In deep gratitude to one and all ~ your Sweet Susan 💜🧡💙💚💛

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You are a pillar of this community, Susan — and we love you

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Thank you, Liz for this lovely acknowledgment! 💙🧡💛💚💜

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So glad you are here, Susan! Let’s keep going. I’m ever grateful for your brave heart and this community of love bugs.💛💫💛

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😊😊😊 💛💚💜🧡💙

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Thank you, Cindy. 💓

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert, Margaret

Oh dear Rachel, your letter resonated so deeply with me. I love your tender heart and soulful voice and every word you wrote. I feel so much I'm at a loss for words. So I will just say thank you. 🙏🏼💞

Liz, Margaret, and our battalion of love warriors, I'm so grateful for you all❣️🥰

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Aww exactly Susan! Aren't we lucky? and so beautiful to be part of this stunning community. x

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Holy schmoley macaroni! Wow. No words. Tears. So much love to you, Liz, Margaret, Pepita, Rachel—-love expands so to see this beautiful cosmic space grow is beyond infinite in beauty and tenderness! Love you All! These songs are just beyond this digital keyboard. I am so proud of you all who mother their own hearts and sing to their fledglings of their own hearts and new ones learning to fly! So much love in this beautiful messy watery blue marble! Love ya! Everyday. 💛

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We love you, CIHB!

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Love the All of you always, Liz!

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert, Margaret

I’m in tears 🥹 not just cause of the beautiful songs/letter that Rachel sang/wrote but also because this community has and is deeply changing my life.

I feel so honored to read the hearts of many that share their deepest parts of themselves so selflessly.

There’s a part of me that believes we’ve been doing this forever… and it makes sense! We’re all coming back home to Love, which means we’re all coming back home to ourselves.

Thank you Liz and Margaret for all that you do, share, and give every single day. I cannot be more eternally grateful ❤️🫶🏻

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Perhaps we have been doing it forever!

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And we’re aware of it now 🥹❤️

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Beautiful , Andrea! I feel this. As an highly sensitive person, I have lost myself on the regular if only for moments with the trips here on earth school. When I realize I am home finally after many adventures I am filled with an abundance of joy, delight, and yes, tears….to return to our own hearts is a wonder and a marvel to behold. Ever grateful. Awkward and courageous or bust! (A phrase I tell my friend, Mesa). Have a beautiful day! 💛💫🎨🐾

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I relate to every single word you shared 🥹❤️ I am an highly sensitive person as well and I’ve tried for so long to fit into a societal narrative that pushes down feelings… but I’m happy to say I never succeeded! It feels good to be at home with people that get it 🫶🏻✨ sending you so much love and light for your day as well!

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And yes to feeling it all! 💛🥰💫 I remember looking for books to figure it all out. Then I started looking inside. (Props to Rayya for reminding me joy and indeed everything is an “inside job.) I was an incredibly shy child who lived within for as far back as I can recall. Be-ing here reminds me of what gifts we are to one another and our own souls. The art of us all is cosmic and vibrant. All good things and “star stuff” as Carl Sagan would say.

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🥰 awww… thank you. 😊

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I love the cosmic idea that we may have been doing this a while.

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert, Margaret

Oh my word. Tears this afternoon. The little song clip I could play every day. Every hour set on my phone timer. I remember 9 years ago blasting Rachel's "Fight Song" in my car, driving on my way to meet with my husband to talk about bills in the midst of our divorce. Her words in every song, including today, they are so resonating, so authentic, so comforting, that we can prevail. Thank you, Rachel, for being so open, for sharing about motherhood. Liz's theme this week on truth – wow, we got another big beautiful dose of it. I'm forever grateful for this community. ❤️

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What a great idea Amy! to set this lullaby on a timer :) and how beautiful that it helped you navigate such a huge time. Relate! x

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May 23Liked by Elizabeth Gilbert

Wow!! This is incredible, all of it! 100,000 people writing love letters is gorgeous and amazing! Thank you Liz and Margaret for starting this community and thank you Rachel for sharing your heart, your love letter and your beautiful songs. They are so deeply meaningful and helpful ❤️ The words bring peace to my mind and body. "Quiet my dear, I'm always here. Just soften and breathe, rest and receive. " I get the same loving messages in my letters. So much love is present here. Thank you to everyone. I appreciate you and I stand with you in love. ❤️

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May 23Liked by Margaret

But wait, we're aiming for at least 1 billion, right? 🌻✨️

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How many people are on the earth right now??

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8,110,883,040 as of today.

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Lol! Than THAT’S the goal!

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I agree - I was just trying to be realistic here 😊

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I adore the both of you!

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You just made me spill my coffee. :-)))))

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